Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Wednesday Stuff

This More Perfect Union “Classroom” clip with F.D. Signifier tells us the tale of “Neutron Jack” Welch, who (according to the clip) invented mass layoffs in the ‘80s, though I think “Chainsaw Al” Dunlap at Sunbeam and Unisys disaster architect Michael Blumenthal deserve dishonorable mentions also...the clip focuses on how Welch basically destroyed the family-and-union-friendly atmosphere of General Electric in pursuit of the proverbial “bottom line,” buying up assets that led to massive shareholder wealth including insurance companies...the clip also focuses on executive largess from stock buybacks, which used to be illegal until they were allowed by The Sainted Ronnie R...Welch’s practices played a big role in mergers and acquisitions, and when it comes to the “business roundtable,” I think the supervillain analogy is perfectly apt (NSFW/H)...

...and continuing with the theme of misbehaving CEO’s, David Doel brings us Andi Owen of MillerKnoll, who recently got mad in a Zoom meeting or whatever about employees wanting a bonus after she gave herself one for at least two years running of over a million dollars each year – video also points out how unions raise wages for members and non-members...

...and Brian Tyler Cohen discusses Repug congresswoman Nancy Mace actually making some sense when talking about abortion and women’s health care (atypically for her party), though I think Cohen is spot-on to say that Mace is only saying this stuff out of concern for her electoral prospects, and you can tell that Mace is on the right track because this Fix Noise hairdo is trying to get her to shut up (Cohen, as usual, commendably "brings the receipts" to show where the "party of Lincoln" really stands on this stuff)...

...and I have to admit that I thought Justin Pearson was already back at the Tennessee state house along with Justin Jones, though apparently not, and it also seems that Pearson and his constituents are getting threats from the governmental body where Pearson serves that is getting a lot more attention from voters and the media than it could ever want, as noted here (John and Francesca of The Damage Report tell us more..."we've got to stand for something or fall for everything" indeed)...

Update 1 4/20/23: And it looks like a member of GOP "leadership" who voted to expel the "Tennessee Three" is now accused of sexually harassing interns - heckuva job! (here).

Update 2 4/20/23: Womp womp...

...and the threats in Tennessee seem to be more political in nature, but Rachel Maddow discussed a recording that was a lot more overt when it comes to bodily seems that a newspaper publisher in McCurtain County, Oklahoma left a voice-activated recorder at some kind of local government meeting because he thought stuff was going on away from public scrutiny, and boy, did he ever turn out to be right about that...racist conversations, “killing and burying reporters,” and on and on, with laughs and jokes aplenty over it...I see a trail of criminal and possibly civil litigation resulting from this that could last for years...

...and Thom Hartmann asks if civil rights are getting cancelled for African Americans, which unfortunately is a pertinent question... and yeah, he’s right about how this tracks with the rise of the Gropenfuhrer (scary stuff about how African American history is getting erased from textbooks and school curricula, but yeah, that’s typical for Trumpism, which is just the latest flavor of GOP intolerance...and given the role that Oklahoma Repug Governor Kevin Stitt is playing here, his indignation over the McCurtain County stuff in the prior clip is merely a bad joke as far as I’m concerned)...

...and Farron Cousins, sitting in for David Pakman, tells us that millennial and Gen Z voters have pretty much had it with the GOP for all of the reasons Cousins points out (can’t blame them one bit...guns, climate change, abortion, being saddled with ridiculous debt before entering the workforce, to say nothing of the racial intolerance on display in the prior videos)...

Update: More here.

...and today marks the 20th anniversary of the passing of choreographer Cholly Atkins, who taught dance moves to a whole bunch of Motown acts “back in the day,” including The Temptations as shown in the following clip.

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