Friday, April 21, 2023

Friday Stuff

I know I haven’t checked in with John Oliver in quite awhile, but he recently gave us this segment on the plight of farmworkers that I found to be particularly well done (NSFW/H). – so, two people die from falling into a manure vat and all they rate is $5 grand apiece? And yeah, wasn’t that reaction great from the farm owner (I guess that’s what he was) when Dolores Huerta was mentioned? And the other family of the guy who yelled at a bunch of workers using the “N” word was a trip also; can only imagine what happens when the cameras aren’t rolling (the segment makes me recall when we used to air programs like this)...

...and when it comes to bottom feeders trying to subvert our democracy, Brian Tyler Cohen gives us this recent recording of Cleta Mitchell talking to other traitors about how to disenfranchise primarily younger voters...Mitchell, in addition to playing political footsie with the Gropenfuhrer, is also buds with Ginni Thomas, wife of our thoroughly compromised SCOTUS justice (one of them anyway) as noted here...

...and Ana and Cenk of TYT discuss corporations going back to bribing attorneys general (this RAGA group it seems, who no doubt made common cause with Mitchell and her pals), despite the fact that many at these corps said earlier that they wouldn’t do that if any of the AGs were found to have anything to do with "the big lie" and the 1/6 insurrection...more great work from ProPublica – and yeah, Comcast is acting typically sleazy here again...once more, these two find a way to blame Democrats, and yes, I realize the “D” party is also pretty slimy in taking corporate dough, but when it comes to the attack on our government on 1/6, that’s a different discussion and Ana and Cenk should treat it as such...

...and when it comes to undermining our government, Jesse Dollemore (not him) tells us about barely sentient life form Lauren (“Democrat Party”) Boebert, who keeps screeching that we’re a “Constitutional republic” and not a is my take on what’s going on with that; that phrasing is deliberate, because the end game for the wingnuts is to hold their utterly awful Article V “Constitutional convention” and tear our most important founding document to shreds, rewriting it for the benefit of Charles Koch, Peter Thiel, the Sacklers, and all of the other plutocrats in this country (many of whom chose to donate to “big lie” proponents and insurrectionists that Ana and Cenk noted earlier)...if that catastrophic development ever happened, then yeah, we would be a “Constitutional republic” and NOTHING like a true democracy...of course, Boebert is way too dumb to realize how she’s giving away the game here with her inane phrasing (Jesse makes something like that point at around 7:00 – her idiocy is typical for someone associated with stuff like this)...

...turning to more people-powered stuff, Robert Reich tells us about the impact of junk fees (kind of a boomer “tell” to refer to a Dolly Parton “record,” which is pretty “analog” of him, but his points are spot-on otherwise)...

...and this New York Times video essay tells us how non-compete agreements are abused by employers in all manner of industries which often have absolutely nothing to do with retaining intellectual property and more to do with controlling workers trying to seek gainful employment (info on the FTC proposal to ban non-competes is here)...

...and when it comes to individual action on a “grass roots” (or asphalt?) level, John and Jayar of The Damage Report tell us about “the Governator” saying hasta la vista, baby to a pothole near his residence (road repair is indeed an issue that crosses political lines...plenty of work to do in that regard near Le Manse Doomsy)...

...and given that tomorrow is Earth Day, I should note that I usually include the video for “If A Tree Falls” by Bruce Cockburn, but I’d like to change it up this year with the following selection...I’m kind of hot and cold on Dave Matthews to be honest, but it seems that, when it comes to politics and important causes, he’s a pretty good dude.

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