Monday, March 06, 2023

Monday Stuff

Alex Wagner of MSNBC talks with Jelani Cobb of The New Yorker about that idiot Tennessee lawmaker, State Rep Paul Sherrell (and do you even have to ask which party?), who wanted to bring back lynching (more here – and yes, he apologized, which is what he should do at a minimum)...

...and continuing under the heading of Republicans Behaving Badly, I give you Brian Tyler Cohen discussing Jon Stewart’s interview with Oklahoma State Senator Nathan Dahm about guns (NSFW/H...I know I’m a little behind the news curve on these two items, but I feel like they need to be addressed - here)...

...and I know I linked to this story on Friday, but Jesse Dollemore did a good job IMO in commenting on it, namely, FLA guv #DeathSantis wanting bloggers criticizing him to register with the state, or something...apparently, the “line in the sand” is if those correctly pointing out what a fascist he truly is are generating income for their time and trouble...and I have to admit that I didn’t have “agreeing with Newt Gingrich” on my Bingo card (here)...

...and Alabama U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville is proving once more to be one of the most enlightened minds of the 13th century with his claim that the Dems want “one gender”...commentary by Cenk and Ana of TYT, and GREAT point by Cenk at the end about what snowflakes conservatives truly are, calling we lefties every name in the book, but when we hold a mirror up to them, WE allegedly become the bad guys...

...and it looks like all of the non-musical clips in this post will pertain to members of the “party of Lincoln” behaving in a particularly bad way, and here is another example...Farron Cousins discusses TX rep Nate Schatzline sponsoring an anti-drag bill, who was caught...wait for it!...IN DRAG! And GREAT point by Cousins about how subjective a judgment it is to consider something “sexualized”...and here is what I think is going on with all of this anti-trans BS from these knuckle-draggers; it’s all about persecuting “the other” to rally political support, whether or not the “other” is an African American, a woman, an Hispanic immigrant, a trans individual, or just a plain ol’ liberal – no bar is too low for these cretins (more here)...

...and Patsy Cline died in a plane crash 60 years ago yesterday.

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