Thursday, December 01, 2022

Thursday Stuff

I thought Thom Hartmann had some interesting insight into what King Elon I is trying to do by taking over Twitter (basically, to mine the “bird app” to get ahold of user data to sell off to third parties)...

...and Mike Figueredo of The Humanist Report tells us that Musk, being the spoiled, plutocratic baby that he is, has decided to call up advertisers and basically yell at them for leaving Twitter (what infantile behavior, which shouldn’t be surprising I know), with the exit being a direct consequence of Musk basically gutting the whole damn company and letting all the conspiracy theorist BS on the platform all over again ('on brand" indeed)...

...and Thom Hartmann mentioned Marjorie Traitor Greene...with her in mind, Ana and Cenk of TYT tell us that the Repug GA U.S. House rep recently opined online about farts and wearing masks for ‘Rona, of course (sounds like the gene pool in the district that actually voted for her is in need of a lifeguard)...

...and speaking of “the peach state” and Not Your Father’s Republican Party, Sam of TMR tells us that Herschel Walker, living in his Texas home, was so upset about the border apparently that he decided to run against Dem incumbent U.S. Senator Raphael Warnock – sounds like Walker was fed some new talking points by his handlers and could barely form a coherent sentence while spouting them off to everybody (to help Warnock, click here)...

...and sticking with Walker, Farron Cousins tells us that Lex Luthor Scott sent out Emails through the NRSC pleading for an “emergency donation” for Walker, when in fact Scott’s group plans to pocket 98 percent of the donation (grifters gonna grift...and yeah, normally I would just pass the popcorn and watch Repugs screw each other over, but in Scott’s case it’s different IMO, particularly since most people seem to forget that Scott was found guilty of the largest Medicare swindle in history as noted here)...

...and here are more seasonal selections...

...and here is another tune as a tribute to Christine McVie.

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