Tuesday, October 04, 2022

Tuesday Stuff

Brittany Page takes over for Jesse Dollemore and discusses Ohio’s awful abortion law, though there are other states with awful anti-abortion laws also including Nebraska and their wingnut governor Pete Ricketts, who is interviewed by Dana Bash and basically says that minors who are raped have to birth their rapist’s babies...typical for someone who will never have to undergo that horror...all the best to Jesse on his procedure today, by the way...

...and it’s time to hop onboard the wingnut crazy train, starting with Repug gubernatorial nominee Tudor Dixon joking about Dem Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s kidnapping, where God knows what would have happened to her if it had actually succeeded (Emma V. of The Majority Report tells us about it)...

...and Farron Cousins tells us that Marjorie Traitor Greene recently proclaimed that Dems are hunting Republicans...in response, we learn that, apparently, the right-winger killed apparently provoked the person allegedly responsible...not saying that’s a justification, but only that that’s a missing detail based on what Cousins tells us...and the second story about the 83-year-old woman shot on someone’s lawn was made up out of whole cloth at this point...and by the way, in addition to the right-wing violence Cousins point out, let’s not forget about this vicitm and this guttersnipe also...

...and John, Cenk and Max Burns of TYT tell us about Adam Hageman, Trumper from the Commerce Dept. with ties to Charlie Kirk, who was arrested and jailed over child porn charges (Cenk’s point about Charlie Kirk and outreach to young people is well taken IMO; Kirk is more to blame for not vetting this guy than anyone else...and yeah, I’d love to blame “Dr.” Gorka on this also, Matt Walsh and other wingnut pundits, but in good conscience, I can’t...echoing John a bit, though I think Cenk is also absolutely right about the Qanon lunatics being mostly responsible for the pedo garbage)...

...oh, and remember how, after every single mass shooting in this country, the “party of Lincoln” screeches that we need more mental health funding instead of common sense gun laws? Well, they recently had a chance to vote for added mental health funding, and I think you can guess the result, as Jeff Waldorf explains (and it’s true that Bri-Fi voted Yes, but he also supports gun reciprocity, so he’s at best a mixed bag on this issue)...

...and this Now This clip tells us about Hannah Stargel defending herself against the anti-trans and anti-reproductive rights policies from her father (a judge) and her mother (a state senator)...apparently both lost re-election, so hopefully they’ll rethink their positions, but probably not; the video also profiles Maddie Block in New Mexico waging a similar battle against her conservative father Jay Block who is also a state legislator (I wish all the best to these two courageous women and others in similar circumstances)...

...and RIP Sacheen Littlefeather, who of course turned down Marlon Brando’s Oscar for “The Godfather” in 1973 (at his direction, of course)...I was glad to see the apology from The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to Littlefeather earlier this year...I always thought that she got caught up in one of Tinseltown’s most notorious dramas for reasons that weren’t her fault...Brando had to know what would have happened, but of course he ultimately didn’t care – to say he was a complex, convoluted character is a huge understatement (this great book shines a lot of light on that)...Brando did lend his fame and notoriety, as well as his money, to social justice causes to be fair, so there’s that on his side, and it would be nice if an apology or statement of reconciliation were forthcoming from Clint Eastwood, but I know we can forget about that...

...and RIP also to drummer John Hartman of The Doobie Brothers.

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