Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Wednesday Stuff

So, to recap (based on this Brett Erlich TYT clip), Cassidy Hutchinson testified that there were shooters posted in trees around the Capitol on 1/6 (or at least, if not from Hutchinson, it was known by Capitol police apparently), with these shooters apparently there to provide cover for Our Treasonous Tiny-Handed Former Chief Executive (with a phalanx of Secret Service agents around him) as he planned to re-enter the Capitol and presumably seize power with the help of Mike Pence, who would refuse to certify the election on January 6th. However, in addition to Pence doing his duty according to the Constitution (and let’s not trip over ourselves giving him credit for doing what he should have done anyway), the Secret Service wouldn’t drive Trump to the Capitol that day (according to Hutchinson), rightly telling Mango Mussolini that they’d be breaking the law, to the point where Trump tried to grab one of them by the throat. They DID manage to get him to a fast food restaurant where he presumably had another in a series of tantrums and threw a plate which splattered ketchup on the wall. Are those the lowlights (more here)?

It is long past time to put Combover Caligula in a cell, and this should mandate that beyond any doubt. And by the way, unless we thoroughly prosecute EVERYONE involved in this madness, the NEXT TIME Republicans try this (and you KNOW there will be a “next time”), there won’t be a Cassidy Hutchinson or a Bobby Engel (the Secret Service agent) doing the right thing. They will ALL be “true believers,” possibly operating under the direction of #DeathSantis, Cotton, Hawley, or another of these treasonous monsters (that being said, more info on Engel and Tony Ornato, another Secret Service agent involved in these incidents, is here)...

Update: Yeah, I definitely would agree with this.

Update 7/1/22: Thought so (here)...

...and Sam of The Majority Report tells us that the “party of Lincoln” is apparently panicking over the recent awful SCOTUS rulings, looking at the polling...yeah, but the bleeping Dems better damn well know what to do in response! And what Sam is referring to in the “65-foot-high ceiling” remark is that states would put ridiculous building code restrictions onto facilities where Planned Parenthood operated that they couldn’t possibly meet because of an undue financial burden in reconstructing those facilities, but they faced shut down if they couldn’t meet those requirements somehow...yet another snaky, lowdown game certain states would play to shut down PP centers...and I know it’s no surprise that Mark Levin is lying, but it’s interesting that he talks about cases “bubbling up” to the SCOTUS to supposedly prevent any litigation against Roe, when in fact that is the EXACT STRATEGY the wingnuts used to ultimately overturn Roe...

...and Trae Crowder gives us his NSFW/H take on the recent SCOTUS insanity...oh, and add this to the pile of wretched garbage from this renegade High Court bunch of lunatics...

...and kudos to Alma Adams, NC-12 U.S. House Rep, for telling Biden he needs to declare a public health emergency after the horrible Dobbs decision overturning Roe...

...and Beau gives us an enlightened take IMO on that oh-so-scary headline about 1 million new Republican voters, providing some much-needed context...

...and apparently, the one and only Bob Perkins is retiring as a full-time jazz DJ on radio station WRTI in these parts – congratulations on a great career full of bringing us the “GM,” as in good music (I think this tune is apropos for the occasion).

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