Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Tuesday Stuff

Richard Ojeda of Rebel HQ tells us about this Trumpster idiot Mary Miller who cheered on the recent SCOTUS atrocity (I know there have been a few atrocities from this bunch) by saying the Dobbs ruling was a victory for “white life”...and yes, I think that’s exactly what she meant especially since she was cheered on when she said it, particularly by Our Treasonous Orange Pustule of a Former “President” sharing the stage with her - more here...

...and in the matter of the 1/6 insurrection, I think this is a particularly good clip from Don Winslow; the supine Democratic Party, particularly in the Senate, the “world’s most useless legislative body,” should be going after both of the Thomases (and yes, we know Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao and his caucus are thoroughly unrepentant monsters, but they're not in charge, and we have to make sure they STAY in the minority after November)...

...and David Doel brings us this clip about the two activists calling out the Dems over not enshrining Roe in legislation (even though the House just passed a bill doing that which is being blocked in the Senate by all Repugs plus Manchin...I guess it’s way too much to ask for this MSNBC person to provide that context)...I agree with about 75 percent of what Zoe Warren says here in the first clip about Dems not codifying Roe and how that was a colossal blown opportunity, but please allow me to point out the following 1) Bill Clinton in the ‘90s spent the overwhelming majority of his term fighting with a Republican congress that ended up impeaching him over a blowjob, so there was NO WAY he would have been able to sign legislation enshrining Roe into law from that bunch, and 2) Barack Obama enjoyed a congressional majority for not even 2 years, mostly spent on getting health care reform passed (as imperfect as it is, it’s still a leap forward...though I’m sure this renegade SCOTUS can’t wait to blow THAT up too)...so basically, if you want to be mad at Dems, fine, but also be mad at the overwhelming majority of elderly boomer conservatives in the suburbs who keep rewarding the “party of Lincoln” regardless every election...and Warren should spare me her indignation about a fundraising appeal from Biden – thanks to Citizens United and this SCOTUS full of treacherous, bad legal actors fronting for our criminal ruling corpocracy, that’s just the way the game is played...no issue whatsoever with the second clip because I think Warren and her co-worker are exactly right...also, I think any “man” who approves of Dobbs should be made to wear a chastity belt for at least a month (NSFW/H)...

...and turning to the economy, Pap and Farron Cousins tell us about price gouging form Tyson foods – yep, just give your business to a local butcher instead if you can and show these Tyson pricks what you think of them for their shameless grift...

...and Ana of TYT discusses Larry Summers saying we should have fewer jobs to cool down the economy, which of course seems to casually disregard the hardship millions would face as a result (a little concerning to hear Ana say in a matter-of-fact way that she thinks we’re entering a recession, but she may be right unfortunately...she’s also correct about the outsized role of the Federal Reserve and our politicians not providing for those hurt the most by the shock of a downturn, since the true “owners” in our ownership society don’t give a fig about that...a related post is here)...

...and I think it’s been a little while since I put up Janis Joplin’s version of this great seasonal number from George Gershwin, so please allow me to do so here.

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