Sunday, December 26, 2021

Sunday Stuff

I'll bet you're saying to yourself, "That POS Charlie Kirk didn't actually compared Kyle Rittenhouse to Jesus, did he?"

Um, actually, he did - no bottom for these life forms...

Update: Truth! (and it's "Barabbas")

...and Francesca and Brett of The Damage Report tell us that millions of families are starving for the holidays...yeah, blame President Manchin and Vice President Sinema, but also blame EVERY SINGLE DAMN U.S. SENATE REPUBLICAN FOR OPPOSING THE CHILD TAX CREDIT! (And contrary to what the alleged Democrat in the Senate from West Virginia says, the money doesn’t go to drugs, as the video shows..and by the way, MSNBC, Manchin’s claim isn’t “misguided”...IT’S F*CKING WRONG!!!)...

...and Robert Reich tells us that one of the weapons that the “party of Lincoln” manages to use to their advantage, in addition to our lapdog corporate media, is cynicism bred from continual Republican lying and utter cowardice from a few truly infamous Democrats, though of course we have to keep fighting through all of that garbage...

...and this More Perfect Union video tells us what President Biden can do right now to decriminalize pot, which is exactly the type of bold, decisive measure that could encourage younger (and older) voters to show up at the polls next year...also helps that, from a policy perspective, it’s the right damn thing to do anyway (and I also think legalization should be up to the states)...

...and Rachel Maddow gives us a video on Herschel Walker, who apparently is the Repug candidate running against incumbent Dem Raphael Warnock for the U.S. Senate from Georgia, with Walker telling us that “Senator” John Lewis wouldn’t want his name on the voting rights bill, which of course bears his name – the U.S. House version that is...think about the F.U. Trump and McConnell are giving Georgia voters by thinking that this lummox is qualified for public office...

...and I officially bring down the curtain, as it were, with my seasonal selections with this tune (sniff :-).

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