Monday, December 27, 2021

Monday Stuff

Farron Cousins discusses how the allies of The Gropenfuhrer are suing the 1/6 commission to keep records from being revealed, and of course they’ll cause more ridiculous delays in an effort to “run out the clock,” as Cousins says (and good point made here about Merrick Garland and the DOJ not baring their fangs, if you will)...

...and Ana and Cenk of TYT tell us about Amazon workers walking out in multiple warehouses before the holiday...and yes, this is another case of “no traffic cop” as Cenk says (and 6 people dying at the Bessemer, AL warehouse? Ugh...and apparently Apple workers have walked also as noted here)...

...and this Second Thought clip tells us how “feel good” stories let a broken system off the hook, including the bit about the manager at Modell Sporting Goods – good for her, but yeah, the company made over a quarter of a million dollars, so please forgive me if I don’t think Modell is suddenly so noble and humanitarian for doing what they should have done anyway, which is to compensate their people properly (I don’t know if this is the best video he’s ever done, but it may be the most important)...

...and this BBC report tells us about the food/humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan...funny in the Kubrickian (word?) sense that we’re not hearing a peep out of the “OMIGOD BIDEN IS SO AWFUL TO END OUR FOREVER WAR!” crowd now over starving children and families seeking shelter and basic life necessities we take for granted, since the story doesn’t involve a military response on our part (to help, click here)...

...and RIP Archbishop Desmond Tutu – yes, he stood tall against Apartheid in South Africa, but he also took up the mantle for other oppressed people including the Palestinians, let’s not forget...

...and since we’re in year-end mode, I should point out that I somehow neglected to mention the passing this year of violinist extraordinaire Robby Steinhardt of Kansas; please allow me the following remembrance.

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