Friday, November 05, 2021

Friday Stuff

I saw this pic here on Twitter. And I don't know about you, but I'm getting pretty goddamn tired of watching Manchinema cozying up to "the party of No" like this (with Thune and Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao). And if they don't have one hell of a good explanation for it, then they should see budget cuts to their staff and loss of committee assignments.

Oh, riiiight - I forgot. Chuck Schumer is the majority "leader." How silly of me.

Well, it’s nice to see that #MaseratiManchin got at least a bit of a comeuppance, as David Doel tells us...

...and on the subject of Manchinema, I have to admit that I thought this bit from Stephen Colbert was amusing, until I realized that these two cretins are trying to take this whole damn country over the metaphorical waterfall with them....

Update: Good take by The Rude Pundit once more (here).

...and even with the VA wins last Tuesday, that won’t stop wackadoodle Repugs like this woman in Delaware who said she beat Chris Coons despite her losing by almost 100K votes – definitely agree with “Doc” Maddow’s take on VA; not saying to “blow it off,” but only that “Team D” needs to pay more attention to the messaging overall for ’22 and ’24 and not get too preoccupied with what’s already happened (and I know this is a recording)...

...and speaking of right-wing crazies, Ana and John tell us about the QAnon supporters in Dallas who were apparently stood up by “dead JFK Jr,” and of course Combover Caligula would step aside and let him be prez (and apparently, Robin Williams and Dale Earnhardt were supposed to appear also, as if Williams would have anything to do with this, other than to make hilarious jokes about it)...

...and this More Perfect Union video gives us yet another example of workers standing up in the face of rapacious predatory capitalism, and this time it’s HelloFresh employees (more power to them)...

...and Farron Cousins tells us that a lawsuit alleges the NRA illegally funded $35 million to elections over last 7 years, including that traitor Josh Hawley (thoughts and prayers...and Cousins is right to be concerned that this could reach the SCOTUS of “I Like Beer” Brett and Amy Coney Island Baby Barrett and they could codify it as settled law instead of overturning it)...

...and I thought this was some pretty damn astute commentary from Beau on the strategy from Republicans in ’22 and ‘24 and what Team D has to do in response,,,

...and I also thought this was an appropriate newer tune to help kick-start our weekend (where we return to standard time, just as a reminder).

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