Monday, May 17, 2021

Monday Stuff

I never thought I’d see the day of a Repug approving a tax increase – of course, it’s not aimed at the “pay no price, bear no burden” crowd in any way; just another attempt to stick the metaphorical shiv in the “99 percent”...

...which is all part of the fascist GOP garbage that we need to reject, as illustrated in this clip...

...and Brian Tyler Cohen tells us about Bret Baier interrogating Liz Cheney on behalf of Our Traitorous Orange Pustule (a particularly on-point commentary here IMO...if I were Cheney, when Baier asked her if she voted Republican, I would have said it’s none of your damn business)...

...and Joy Reid discusses Repugs whining about “critical race theory” (with historian and author Jon Meacham, who is exactly right in his comments)...

...and I think David Doel is correct as well; what MSNBC’s Ali Velshi states here (calling out “Apartheid” against the Palestinians) should be the norm in coverage, not the exception (part of the reason this latest horror show is going on in that area of the world is so Netanyahu can consolidate political power enough to form a government, and I can’t think of how disgusting it is to try and justify the carnage for that reason...

Update: Let's see if we can get "Bibi The Butcher" trending, OK? (here).

...and Cenk and Ana tell us that anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers are masking up and socially distancing to protect themselves from liberal proteins, or something...and nothing like the threat of impotency to get these clueless bipeds to start taking the virus seriously, right?...

...and the Daily Show gives us a bit of humor pertaining to Our Prior Treasonous Ruling Cabal and their attempt to destroy our democracy on 1/6...

...and I suppose the title of this newer tune is applicable every day, but it’s up to us to persevere in spite of it anyway I know.

Update: By the way, for anyone voting in person in tomorrow’s PA primary, please vote No on the two disaster emergency declaration ballot questions (here). They’re nothing more than garbage attempts by the Commonwealth Foundation (linking to Chucky Koch of course) to undercut Gov. Tom Wolf and give more of a say pertaining to disaster management to idiot Republican legislators in Harrisburg who are still butt hurt over Wolf’s pandemic management (and never forget that, if Scott “Stomp On Wolf’s Face With Golf Cleats” Wagner had his way, PA would have been every bit as bad as Florida under Ron #DeathSantis, and maybe worse).

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