Thursday, October 08, 2020

Thursday Stuff


OK, as usual, I didn’t watch the vice-presidential debate last night, though I followed along on Twitter with people who did. And yes, it's true that that’s definitely not the same thing as watching it, so I can’t say with authority what did and didn’t happen. Mea maxima culpa.

And, as was the case with the Trump/Biden insanity last week, the reason why is because I already know how I’m going to vote. I had no desire to subject myself to ridiculous lies from Mike Pence for an hour and a half, so I didn’t.

So, for what it’s worth, I went to some of the usual sites that I go to for content, and Cenk and the TYT crew were losing their minds because they thought Kamala Harris was way too timid, and they think Pence won because he drummed home his points more than she did, even though Harris did well in her opening statement (Cenk, John I. and Jayar were exasperated because of all the ways you could go after the regime of the Gropenfuhrer, which Harris apparently chose not to do). They did acknowledge, however, that Harris probably got orders not to rock the boat and try to let Pence come off like the nutjob he is. So, in terms of consolidating their voting gains and not letting independents drift towards Trump/Pence, that may have been a successful strategy...we’ll see (though I get PO’ed too when I see Dems err on the side of caution, I have to admit).

I thoroughly despise Mike Pence of course, but here’s the thing. He rose to prominence on right-wing media including radio and television, so he knows about presentation. He’s a different animal from his boss in that he’s more of a zealot in the service of a thoroughly corrupted cause, which Trump isn’t of course; the only cause Our Orange Pustule cares about is himself. That should be plainly obvious by now to anyone with more than a single-digit IQ. And in fairness to Harris, she had the ridiculous hurdle of trying not to appear too shrill, because, as far as our corporate media is concerned (as well as many of this country’s institutions of business, government, etc.), only women have to worry about being judged as too emotional (while guys generally interrupt with impunity and don’t usually pay a price for it).

So I would ask that you keep this in mind as you watch this clip (and I have to admit that I laughed at Rachel Maddow’s “flaccid” remark – nice to take that gender stereotype and stand it on its metaphorical head...also, Pence's "pinkeye," which can definitely be traced to COVID-19, was yet another reminder to the audience of the failure of this administration on that score)...

Update: Food for thought...

...meanwhile, when it comes to news that actually matters, John I. and Jayar are back in this video to tell us that Generalissimo Trump has said he won't budge on more help for those facing the economic impact from the pandemic (typical for this pouty spoiled toddler of a "president")...

...and I know I shouldn’t put up these Lincoln Project videos, but damn they’re good (yep, vote indeed like your life depends on it, including supporting Dems on this list, as well as here and here for PA folks in Bucks County - oh, and here too of course)...

...and happy upcoming 72nd birthday to Jackson Browne (hopefully COVID free by now).

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