Thursday, July 04, 2019

Thursday Stuff

Oh well, it looks like Generalissimo Trump is going to have his military parade, with all the appropriate trappings for a tin-pot dictator – wonder if this story has anything to do with this?...

Update: Score one for Mother Nature! (here).

…and the crew from “The Majority Report” tell us how some world leaders, notably Christine Lagarde, threw some serious shade at Lucretia Bourgeois, as Eric Idle calls her, at the recent G20 summit (and in a related story, I thought some of this was hilarious)…

…and c’est dommage (speaking of Lagarde)…it looks like Dana Loesch and NRA-TV got shot down, you might say – thoughts and prayers (more here)…

...and even though this is slightly NSFW I believe, this is an unusually restrained clip from Mike Molloy, though still an effective one I think, in which he notes the recent comments from former President Carter about the Gropenfuhrer...

…and Thom Hartmann “goes there,” you might say, on just how “in the tank” for Our Treasonous, Tiny-Handed Orange Dictator the “party of Lincoln” has gone since he parked his ample butt in that big chair in An Oval Office (and Thom mentioned the census – God only knows what that orange pustule is trying to do with that wretched citizenship question…I honestly don’t know what to do about the thorny, and quite well described, problem he sums up at the end, besides to keep fighting, that is)…

…and RIP Arte Johnson – funny guy…

...and I thought this was an appropriate clip from the New York Times for the holiday (and I thought these were particularly important words also)...

...and I hope everyone has a Happy 4th of July.

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