Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Tuesday Stuff

I thought this was some pretty clear-eyed commentary from David Pakman about what we’re dealing with concerning our Lunatic-In-Chief at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue (and yeah, on the matter of stonewalling and the impeachment question, I think he’s right to forget about waiting for the “constitutional conservatives”)…

…and there’s almost too much that is wrong about Stephen Moore to properly catalog here – it’s an understatement to say that this Koch-backed shill has no business in public life whatsoever, to say nothing of being grossly unqualified for a positon at the Federal Reserve Board, but this video pretty much puts the proverbial exclamation point of all of this awfulness (more Moore stuff is here)…

Update 5/2/19: Yeah, it's never a good sign when what you've said and written is being "reviewed" after your nomination has already been put forward, even for the Trumpsters - Moore can now go back to Fix Noise and bloviate with impunity again (here).

…and speaking of Trump sycophants, Repug Sen. Charles Grasshole of Iowa recently talked down to a constituent when she confronted him over his awful health care votes; I think this is the “Aggressive Progressives” crew – I’ll pay more attention to them now that Jimmy Dore is gone…

…and, apparently, even though the Dems managed to retake the U.S. House last fall, somehow this Repug fathead from Minnesota named Jim Hagedorn ended up getting elected – Hagedorn recently gave us this jewel of wingnuttery, which made me recall the following clip; let’s see what we can do about erasing this mistake next year…

…and RIP director John Singleton (of “Boyz N The Hood” of course)…

…and somehow I neglected to note that yesterday was the birthday of the one and only Willie Nelson – hope it was a great one.

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