Monday, November 19, 2018

Monday Stuff

You want to know why Repugs win in the Midwest and the south on a fairly regular basis? It’s partly due to garbage like what is shown above in St. Louis County, Missouri before the election (hat tip for the pic to Tris Resists on Twitter...the Ring of Fire clip was from about 10/23)…

…also, Cenk talks to author Jason Stanley about the fact that, as Stanley sees it, fascism has always been in the U.S., and I think it’s hard to argue that point (yeah, as Stanley says, forget about the mass genocide from the former Austrian painter for a second, but just for a second, and realize how what the Gropenfuhrer says and does dovetails into what Stanley is talking about…not that the Evangelicals care about that of course since they’re taught to be sheep anyway)…

…and while we’re on the subject, Hasan Piker tells us about those idiots in Wisconsin at the prom throwing up the Nazi salute (this photographer is seriously lacking in brain matter as far as I'm concerned...oh, I apologize sort of only if people were offended…GMAFB)...

…and if there is a bright spot to Number 45 trying to rule like a dictator, it’s that he so often trips up in the attempt and ends up looking like a bigger clown than he is already…this time, Generalissimo Trump sez you need an ID to buy cereal...a little late with this I guess (great pause by Kyle, and he's spot-on about election fraud - NSFW)...

…and RIP author and screen writer William Goldman, who brought us some truly iconic movie lines including the one uttered by Hal Holbrook here (definitely have to crank the volume given the context of what’s going on)…

...and I know I need to work in some new music, and I will I promise, but not now - happy belated 80th birthday to Gordon Lightfoot.

And once again, given this story...
  • To help with phone banking for Mike Espy, click here.
  • To send text messages for Mike Espy, click here.
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  • And let's not forget that, for the Repugs, disenfranchising voters is a feature, not a bug (here).

    And OF COURSE she takes campaign donations from a white supremacist (here) - I mean, why not, right?

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