Friday, September 07, 2018

Friday Stuff

Robert Reich tells us how to fight back against the Gropenfuhrer and his non-stop lies (and by the way, I’m pretty fed up at this point with media commentators of any stripe who say we should be “afraid” over all of this with Number 45 – what we should be is PISSED OFF and MOTIVATED TO VOTE in a few weeks AND MOBILIZED TO HELP OTHERS DO THE SAME)…

…and Pap and Farron Cousins tell us what kind of conditions Jeff Bezos’s employees have to deal with, to say nothing of the “goon squad” going after Bezos’s workers and anyone else who actually criticizes him – makes me feel bad every time I have to buy something from Amazon, to say nothing of reading the WaPo (and once again, I know this is from The Putin Network, but again, the reporting looks solid…and AWS is VERY profitable, by the way)…

…and kudos to Gen. John W. Nicholson Jr. for this (telling us to get the hell out of the land where empires crumble), as Kyle K. tells us – I understand why Kyle is a little harsh on Nicholson, and he has a point, but at least the departing general is saying something (NSFW)…

…and it looks like we have Round 2 of Hasan Piker and screaming wingnut car guy Graham Allen, this time over Nike and Colin Kaepernick (I swear, they must be lovin’ all of the free publicity from these goofballs like Allen)…

…and I give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less) from 9/8/16 (I watch this and I feel sick – Former President Hopey Changey believed that the voters would see Generalissimo Trump for what he is – even more timely as far as I’m concerned given this week’s mania…we keep saying how unprecedented each week is, and yeah, I think we should pretty much retire that expression, because ALL OF THIS is unprecedented…heckuva job, Trumpsters, Hillary Haters, the “Bernie or Bust” crowd and everybody who didn’t bother to vote at all…and yes, we also need full auditing of votes everywhere which we don’t have because I think a hell of a lot of people were disenfranchised, but somebody like Greg Palast would know more about that than me…and by the way, it’s totally accidental that I included this on the day when Number 44 also gave us this)…

…and happy 88th birthday to legendary jazz tenor saxophonist Sonny Rollins.

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