Monday, August 13, 2018

Monday Stuff

To note the recent anniversary of the Charlottesville protest and the killing of Heather Heyer, Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian, James Thompson, and Adrienne Lawrence of TYT give us an example of what I think can best be called “white privilege in action” (more here – heh)…

…and Rachel Maddow tells us Dem U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson of Florida's quote about Russia having “free rein” to move around in that state’s election infrastructure (and OF COURSE Lex Luthor Scott would think it’s a joke; when these Russian hacks actually benefit DEMOCRATS, let me know, OK? And I didn't see the follow-up segment.)…

…and if Peter Strzok was fired only because of the texts about Trump, then that’s total garbage – apparently there was new stuff out there that FBI director Christopher Wray mentioned, however…we’ll find out if that’s just cover or not – Pete Williams of NBC reports to Velshi and Ruhle here…

…and this BBC story tells us about a conference of young progressives in New Orleans… I think the guy at about 1:31 is spot-on…get Dems elected, get a taste of power (dare I hope?) and THEN remake the party to be more representative of the country as a whole.

(…and here’s another thing to consider – Elizabeth Warren is great, and if she somehow ends up as the Dem prez nominee of course she’d have my support, but last I checked, MA guv Charlie Baker is a Repug, so our team would lose Warren’s seat for sure, and the Senate might be too close for comfort on that…just “spitballing” here…)

…and of all of the Gropenfuhrer’s utterly baldfaced lies, maybe the one about him supposedly being such a good deal maker may be the worst – maybe, as Robert Reich explains…

…and I don’t have to put the NSFW label for a song very often, but I do here – nice rockin’ tune all the same.

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