Sunday, July 01, 2018

Sunday Stuff

(Note: I’ll be featuring signs from yesterday's immigration protests for a few days, and this was one of my favorites.)

And with the pic in mind, what follows is a clip of some of yesterday’s marches (and while marching is great, registering to vote and ACTUALLY VOTING is what matters, people)…

Also, I have a message for the Scott Wallace campaign:

I’ve been visiting a family member in the hospital for the last few days, and I have seen this idiotic commercial in a steady rotation claiming that Wallace supports the BDS movement to divest from Israel (he doesn’t), as well as something about a home in Maryland and flying back and forth from South Africa, or some such nonsense, claiming that Wallace is supposedly “too extreme” for Bucks and Montco.

Yes, this is horseshit. However, this is forcing the media narrative and making Wallace play defense (and I’ve checked and I’ve seen nary a trace of a response from the Wallace campaign).

For the benefit of the alleged political/media geniuses running the Wallace campaign, I’d like to point out at least two things. 1) You need to bleeping respond to this because you’re getting hammered, and 2) You want a REAL issue? How about the fact that, according to Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight (here), Brian Fitzpatrick has voted with Trump 83 percent of the time?

No wonder our side gets creamed so often, particularly in the mid-terms – now, to change the subject somewhat, I give you this from Farron Cousins (slightly NSFW, but how true!)…

...and RIP acclaimed sci-fi writer Harlan Ellison (I once read a collection of stories called "I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream" - yeah, trippy, but good stuff...remembered mostly for this...and Ellison hated the TV adaptation, by the way...pretty sure the gum-chewing guy is Richard Harris)...

…and there was a time when I featured this song at this site a lot, especially around elections, but even though yesterday’s show of force against the Gropenfuhrer’s horrible immigration policy was great, I think I need to feature it again.

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