Thursday, May 24, 2018

Thursday Stuff

I give you another less-than-shining moment from Sarah Huckabilly Sanders, as Farron Cousins explains…

…which I guess isn’t surprising given that her boss has only a 13 percent honesty and trustworthiness rating, as Kyle K. points out (almost not NSFW, but then it was)…

…and in connection with Generalissimo Trump, Rachel Maddow gives us a lesson on Russian attempts to interfere in our elections; I think these historical segments are fascinating (by the way, if you thought Adlai Stevenson was nothing but a milquetoast, watch the great movie “13 Days” to get an appreciation for his UN performance during the Cuban Missile Crisis)…

…and Chris Hayes points out yet again what an utter scam the whole “tax cuts creates jobs” nonsense truly is…

…and apparently the NRA is now promoting the “School Shield Program” in response to the Santa Fe shooting, and yeah, it’s about as pathetic as you can imagine, as Sam Seder explains…

…and I had a more current musical selection in mind, but gosh darn it, the weather is just too nice in these parts not to hear this song.

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