Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Wednesday Stuff

After awhile, I have to admit that it gets hard to not be repetitive about just how bad a situation we face in this country with our Treasonous, Tiny-Handed Orange Dictator taking up space in An Oval Office – I know there are tons of memes out there about how Number 45 is nothing but a tool of his Russian puppet master (including the one above), but it’s becoming more and more clear that that is the actual reality we’re dealing with (and as far as Cambridge Analytica is concerned, I give you this)…

…and I give you, for the second day in a row, another installment of “This Day in Doomsy History” from 3/21/12, in which a certain Willard Mitt Romney is taken to task for his “Etch-a-Sketch” comment (something to consider in light of this)…

…and I thought Charlie Pierce had the right take, as he so often does, on Pete Peterson (here); I don’t wish ill on the man given the fact that he’s dead, but I’m also grateful that his plutocratic vision of this country (as John Nichols of The Nation explains) has never come to hideous fruition, though we need to keep fighting to make sure that remains the case (and there was a time when I gave Ed Rendell more credit than to associate himself with the “Fix the Debt” bunch including Peterson, but sadly no more)…

…and, as noted in this story, Congressman Mark Amodei of Nevada pushed to get a student suspended for using profanity when making a call to someone in Amodei’s office; no, I don’t condone that – it’s self-defeating – but I don’t condone petty vindictiveness on Amodei’s part either…"Welcome to the world where words have consequences” huh? Votes have consequences too…

…and it looks like Lt. Col. Ralph Peters finally got “woke” to what Fix Noise is really all about – kudos…

…and congratulations to Sir Richard Starkey (here...and yeah, it appears that we’re going to get plenty more of the white stuff here also).

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