Monday, March 05, 2018

Monday Stuff

Farron Cousins tells us all about Scott Pruitt’s latest anti-environment insanity…

…and have a drink, Trumpsters – because of your hero and his latest idiocy, that will cost more too (no sympathy whatsoever for Coors, though, I hasten to add)…

…and I guess if we’re talking about beer, we might as well discuss pizza also; really happy to see Papa John’s get hammered in the court of public opinion once more (never an excuse for buying ANY franchise pizza, as David Pakman also points out)…

…and though this is typically alarming from the Gropenfuhrer, Kyle K., in response, is in very NSFW mode about US ships in the Black Sea, apparently (Kyle's almost apologetic about the Russia sanctions, and we definitely part company on that, but I agree with him on just about everything else)…

…and RIP David Ogden Stiers; of all of his MASH moments as Major Charles Winchester, this was probably my favorite…

…also, RIP Harvey Schmidt of The Fantasticks.

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