Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Tuesday Stuff

Rachel Maddow tells us the courageous story of Col. David Hackworth and the Big Orange Cheetoh lying (again) about Obama and ceremonies for our fallen service members…

…and speaking of honorable service people, congratulations to Sen. John McCain for being awarded the 2017 Liberty Medal (his words were plan and well-said enough, though I would like to have seen them aimed more directly at our ruling, kakistocratic cabal, but the reference to “blood and soil” is Bannon-esque language targeted right at the knuckle draggers who had more to do with installing the Gropenfuhrer than anyone else)…

…and K.O. reminds us of Generalissimo Trump and his, shall we say, Weinstein-ish behavior…

…which of course didn’t register at all with the “values voter” sheep who still lined up to support our Tiny-Handed, Treasonous, Impulse-Control-Issue resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue ("Two Corinthians walk into a bar..."...and how’s this for yuks?)…

…and the next time a wingnut bitches about the ACLU, show them this clip (the cop should undergo the same treatment that he inflicted on that child)…

…and I haven’t been able to find any tour dates bringing these folks to our area – a few in the UK into next year – but I just kind of like their sound, so here’s a video.

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