Friday, October 06, 2017

Friday Stuff

K.O. tells us about the roots of Generalissimo Trump’s prejudice against Puerto Rico; actually, I think that extends to pretty much everyone who isn’t part of the “1 percent” world of the truly wretched Number 45…

…and Rachel Maddow tells us of the Gropenfuhrer rolling back the Obama-era rule (and boy, am I already tired of hearing that phrase so often) prohibiting the mentally ill from getting guns…

…and speaking of guns, I would call John Lewis a voice of moral authority on this issue, and a few others also…

…and oh yeah, here’s another Obama-era rule we apparently can say goodbye to (good point that it’s a family issue and not a “woman’s” issue...more here)…

...and we do so love our children, don't we (re, Repugs in Congress letting CHIP expire - Ari Melber talks to David Berzonsky whose daughter is named Luna...more on CHIP is here)...

…and I couldn’t let the week come to a close, almost, without bringing you this clip of Sen. Elizabeth Warren ripping a new one, as it were, into Equifax CEO Richard Smith (more here – oh, but ignore Warren because she’s a “corporate Dem” according to that fool Jimmy Dore, who, as far as I’m concerned, is one of the people who helped to get President Tiny-Handed Impulse-Control-Issue Egomaniac elected)…

…and the first of these two Tom Petty clips was inspired a bit by the Ari Melber video (easy to forget the great contributions from Benmont Tench and Mike Campbell to the sound of the Heartbreakers, though we shouldn't of course).

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