Monday, August 01, 2016

Monday Stuff

Geez oh man, it’s looks like that “Indian-sounding” Fareed Zakaria brought his potty mouth to the party here – kudos (and when it comes to racist, sexist, and other types of garbage spewing from the mouth of the presidential nominee of the “party of Lincoln,” it’s a feature, not a bug, you might say)…

…and yeah, what John Oliver says here too – NSFW (I just hope HRC doesn’t get caught up in this stuff too and realize that she’d got to go out and win this election)…

...and here is more from Donald "A Little Ride" Drumpf (hard to catalog all the refuse he spews, I'll admit - and by the way, here is a bit of reality on this subject - not saying our military hasn’t gotten its act together on this, but we’d all be best served by the proper context)...

…and I don’t know if this tune is apolitical or not, but I think it rocks, with maybe more than a bit of a message to the subject of these videos.

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