Friday, April 08, 2016

Friday Stuff

John Oliver does it again, as he did earlier this week, on the subject of congressional fundraising here – nice for the DCCC’s Steve Israel to feel like he can take a victory lap or two since he’s stepping down, but along with that traitor DWS, they have a pretty sorry record of losing congressional mid-term elections (and yes, I know lazy Democrats who only vote off-cycle if they accidentally wander into a voting booth are partly to blame too, but here’s something I’ve noticed…does anybody point out any more how badly team “D” is getting creamed when it comes to social networking and viral videos? Try finding something current at the Dem “Rapid” Response YouTube channel…a lot more to do online for campaigns than just to send scare Emails and try to turn us upside down and shake loose change out of our pockets)…

…and it sounds like Cenk and The Young Turks are taking a bow or two also over 200 million views in a month, which I have to admit is pretty cool – good for them (mildly NSFW)…

…and Lord knows Andrew Cuomo has issues, but kudos to him and the Empire State for passing and signing into law the most progressive family leave policy in the country, as Kyle Kulinski tells us (definitely NSFW - wonder if Steve Israel is listening?)…

...and Thom Hartmann brings us Economic and Labor News for the week...

…and for a bonus installment of “This Day In Doomsy History,” we’re going to journey back to 4/9/11 to commemorate once more the passing of film director Sidney Lumet, who brought us “Network” by Paddy Chayefsky, a movie with enough brains for about five other movies – the “mad as hell” scene is what everyone quite rightly remembers the most, but to me, this is the one that endures all the more (and yes, mildly NSFW also)…

…and speaking of milestones, happy 88th birthday tomorrow to the funniest math professor of all time.

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