Friday, April 01, 2016

Friday Stuff

God, how funny is this - "Short Fingered Stout," huh? GENIUS!!! (here)...

…and nice work by John Oliver with his report on conspiracy theories here (oh noes – I JUST SAW A BLACK HELICOPTER!)…

...and I thought this was a really good segment conducted by Lawrence O’Donnell with Dan Rather and Jeff Greenfield about “The Donald”; when asked about the most difficult presidential candidate he had to cover, I’m shocked that Rather didn’t say Tricky Dick given some of their legendary showdowns…

…and Rachel Maddow brings us a report initially on Peoria International Airport, though it leads into a quite-rightly blistering segment on the “pro-life” bunch; the last three and a half minutes or so are a hell of a payoff for a great setup…

…and Thom Hartmann brings us economic and labor news for the week…

…and I guess this is too easy of a selection given the date, but here it is.

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