Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Wednesday Stuff

It shows you just how far Not Your Father’s Republican Party has strayed from reality when Former President Highest Disapproval Rating In Gallup Poll History actually looks like a statesman, timely in particular for the recent attack in Brussels (more here)…

...and Rev. Al talks to former Ohio governor Ted Strickland, running against Rob Portman; the main issue here is the Scalia vacancy on the Supreme Court of course (more on Portman is here, and on the whole "Reagan Democrat" thing noted in the clip, I give you this)...

…and in keeping with the Judge Merrick Garland thing, Samantha Bee has some fun over the latest Repug idiocy, as noted here (OK, sooo, they don’t want to consider Obama’s nominee because of the so-called “Biden Rule,” in which Biden is alleged to have said that a presidential nominee for the Supreme Court can only be considered during the lame duck session of the final year of a president’s term – and by the way, he didn’t actually say that…big surprise I know, but the quote was clipped…even though considering Obama’s nominee only during the lame duck session is EXACTLY what the Repugs want to do if, God willing, a Dem wins the White House…).

Memo to the American sheeple – the “party of Lincoln” is going to continue pulling this shit unless you get your asses to the voting booth (and unfortunately, because of the gutted Voting Rights Act, even THAT might not be enough, as noted, however, is some GOOD news about Democratic voter turnout for a change)…

…and here’s a tune to commemorate the sixth anniversary of the Affordable Care Act (noted here – and by the way, it’s not an act, it’s a federal LAW…the Dems continue to be behind the curve when it comes to messaging, and this is a prime example).

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