Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Wednesday Stuff

(I also posted here.)

Fortunately, karoli wrote a great commentary here to this woman, because otherwise people like her are totally beneath my contempt and don’t deserve a response.

You want to know why our planet continues to melt, our infrastructure continues to crumble, our economy cannot rev up and create jobs the way it’s supposed to, we can't get anywhere on common-sense gun control measures or immigration reform, and our government is basically incapable of doing anything anymore except creating and perpetuating the freak show that enables Republican politicians and presidential candidates and doesn’t do much of anything else?

It’s exactly because of people like this woman. Low-information idiot voters who watch Fix Noise, listen to right-wing radio and either don’t bother to vote or, if they do, dutifully elect Republicans who do absolutely nothing but steal from them. And unfortunately, these people comprise just enough of the population to block the rest of us from accomplishing anything constructive.

Take your bigotry and go parade it somewhere else…

...and I think it’s unintentionally hilarious that the life forms who want a federal database of Muslims recoil in horror when the same thing is proposed for guns, which would actually help (hate to say this, but we’d better get used to the very real possibility that Trump will actually win the Republican nomination, which is appalling but not surprising considering the rest of that utterly sorry field in his party)…

…and given the continued warmth we’ve been having in these parts (as well as the wild weather elsewhere), comparatively speaking, I think it’s time to revisit “This Day In Doomsy History” from 12/29/10 – Reese Halter talks to Sam Seder on “Countdown” about climate change (love the map - a few ads in the beginning…and by the way, there’s a bit of a “Star Wars” goof by Rachel Maddow at the very end if you watch the whole thing)…

…and yes, this is an awful story, but I think Karamo Brown is right to claim that there’s no simple way to analyze it without looking at a lot of other factors (under-staffing, working long hours, patients with no insurance, etc.)…

...and to me, the TPP isn't worth a hill of proverbial beans, but this is progress anyway...

...and I would say that this is a timely question.

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