Tuesday, December 08, 2015

Tuesday Stuff

(I also posted here.)

I thought I’d change things up a bit and lead off with a holiday selection…

...and sorry to immediately bring things down, but here’s today’s science lesson on the coming global catastrophe, assuming we don’t manage to do something about in the meantime…

...also, I thought this was an interesting interview Alex Witt conducted with Steven Lee Myers of the New York Times on how ISIS is funded…

…and a hat tip to TCM’s Ben Mankiewicz for pointing out that today would have been the 100th birthday of legendary Hollywood screenwriter Ernest Lehman, who gave us a bunch of great movies; here is an excerpt from one in particular…

...and if it seems like I'm preoccupied with this topic, it's because I am (click on video to start and stop)...

...in no small part because of today's remembrance.

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