Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wednesday Stuff

Cenk Uygur tells us the latest on U.S. House Repug hypocrite Lee Terry on the issue of the minimum wage (last year’s government shut down is mentioned also)…

…and speaking of the shut down, I think this is something we should remember heading into the mid-term elections (more here)…

…and by the way, this guy not only voted for the shut down, but voted 16 times against a continuing resolution to fund the government until the shut down ended on October 17, 2013 (to do something about that, click here)…

…and Rev. Al is right that Chris Hayes has done a great job of reporting in Ferguson, MO – I’m not holding my breath on replacing Bob McCulloch with a special prosecutor, though that should happen; glad that last night apparently wasn’t too bad…

…and yeah, given the stuff in Ferguson, I think this tune and video are definitely appropriate (and for this too - what an air head).

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