Thursday, February 20, 2014

Thursday Stuff

Update 2/21/14: Something is up with Google Chrome and YouTube videos - haven't gotten the lowdown on it yet...

Weren’t we actually praising the CBO and Doug Elmendorf a few days ago on health care reform and its projected impact on jobs (here)?...

...and Rev. Al gives us a rather sickening primer on how we ended up with “Stand Your Ground” so-called laws, starting in the land of Lex Luthor Scott (I have to admit that I’m a bit confused by that bar graph – I assume it applies only to Florida, though I would guess that the trends are nationwide)…

...and yes, I thought he was gone from my electronic world, as it were, for good - ugh...

…and as far as I’m concerned, the title of this song is completely apropos for the foul, fetid Bushco reign.

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