Monday, December 30, 2013

Monday Stuff

Gosh, I didn’t know that Former Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich was a get down, jammin’ kind of guy, as noted here (though, when it comes to tunes by Queen and the Repugs, the lyrics of “Death on Two Legs” are a better fit – good message as always, though)…

…and yeah, what about that Kenyan Muslim Socialist pre-zee-dint of ours and his supposedly worst fifth year in the history of the universe…

…and Texas U.S. House nut job (redundant?) Steve Stockman wants to clean guns with the tears of liberals, or something (here)? The only thing funnier than that is the thought of this looney tune running for the U.S. Senate. And the only thing funnier than that is what will happen to the fabled Repug “brand” if he actually wins…

…and here’s a little number for our “worst to first” Philadelphia Eagles – nice job.

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