Friday, April 29, 2011

Friday PM Stuff

(Not sure about posting early next week, by the way...)

Five years ago, Stephen Colbert hosted the White House Press Club Dinner and gave that ballsy performance in front of the utterly soused Dubya and his pals - nice to see he hasn't lost his touch...

...and democracy is a "problem," Governor "Used-To-Make-Lousy-Gateway-Computers" (here)? Anyone who still thinks the Repugs care about government (good government, anyway) is a goddamn idiot...

...and I'm a little behind on this, but it bears repeating; nice touch to scroll the names of the Repug reps, including Mikey The Beloved, who voted for "Ryan Care" at the end...

...and here's a nice, reserved, unassuming little video to begin the weekend - hope it's a good one.

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