Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Tuesday Stuff

Well, with Corbett's horrendous budget that he announced today (no surprise, I realize), I guess the unemployed in our beloved commonwealth can look forward to even fewer jobs that are supposedly "there," but aren't of course...and probably never were...and may never be again)...

...and I can hardly wait to see what Jon Stewart does with this latest nonsense from Alan Simpson (God, just so sad, seriously - I think there may be a few politicians out there who actually represent their constituents...people like us, basically...but at this point, you can count them on two hands on the federal level if you're lucky; hey Number 44, you want to kill enthusiasm from your "base" for real? Keep giving Grampa Joe "Where's My Stinkin' Geritol?" Simpson the time of freaking day, OK?)...

...and speaking of Stewart, it's time to go "down the rabbit hole" with more phony umbrage from Fix Noise...

...and in honor of the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day, I give you the following from someone I consider to be a great artist regardless of gender.

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