Monday, February 07, 2011

Monday Stuff

(Hopefully back to posting tomorrow...)

Oh, and you can now cue the Bucks County Courier Times to leap to the defense of Mikey The Beloved, claiming that he has the health benefits of his wife, who's a schoolteacher, and how dare Durbin say such things to hurt "bipartisanship" (of course, if you're not a teacher or a member of Congress, you can pound sand as far as Mikey and the Repugs are concerned...Rachel Maddow had a great feature tonight on what the House Repugs are actually doing, which is typical "values" BS, trying to repeal health care of course, and after that, pretty much nothing - I'll try to get the video...and of course, Cantor sends one of his sycophants to tell the media "Well, at least we're not spending money like those Democrats," which is particularly hilarious when you consider this)...

...and I know Patrick Leahy is trying to add judicial oversight provisions to the Patriot Act, but the thing is still a stinking dead dog that erodes our civil liberties by the day, by the hour actually (and the fact that it is supported by a conservative lickspittle like James Jay Carofano is the icing on the proverbial cake)...

Update 2/10/11: I agree with Rand Paul on practically nothing, but if he's serious, kudos to him for this. addition, I suppose it's a good thing that the Green Bay Packers won the Super Bowl - I really didn't have a rooting interest and am sick of the NFL generally largely because of this, but I have to admit that this was a cool ad...

...and RIP Gary Moore.

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