Saturday, December 04, 2010

Saturday Stuff

I know I’m a bit behind the curve on the whole Julian Assange/Wikileaks thing (I’ll plan to say more later), and I admit that I’ve gone back and forth a bit, but every time I hear the argument that revealing the information in the diplomatic cables puts our service people in danger, I keep waiting for the truth behind such a charge, but it is never forthcoming. I think it exposes the dark comedy of what passes for our foreign policy more than anything else.

I also think the person interviewed by RTAmerica makes some interesting points about how conditioned we are generally in this country by our media, and about how waay too many people accept the dookey it passes off as news. However, let it be known for the record that he’s dead wrong about Bill Clinton pardoning anyone having anything to do with Iran-Contra (Poppy Bush was the guy behind that one)…

…and by the way, ho, ho, ho.

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