Saturday, November 06, 2010

Saturday Stuff

Until the business with Keith Olbermann broke (and we're up to 200 K on the petition signatures as noted here), this was the commentary from Rachel Maddow that was garnering the most attention, and rightly so (maybe I'll add the clip with John Hodgman another time...this is what happens when fools in our corporate media allow conservatives to suck the oxygen out of intelligent dialogue in the name of providing "balance" to any discussion)...

...and I realize that this video has nothing whatsoever to do with politics, but in another context, I think it describes what we have in store from the bunch due to take over the House next January (heckuva job, "moderate" Dems and independent voters - lots more like this stuff on the way, I'm sure; add it to the NY-NJ tunnel project killed by Governor Bully).

Update 11/9/10: And speaking of New Jersey's gubernatorial mistake, I give you this (looks like decency and propriety are only for the "little people"...and Dems, of course).

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