Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thursday PM Stuff

To learn more, click here (and by the way, I also posted here)...

...and I have a question for Pat "Voted For The Iraq War And Both of Dubya's Tax Cuts" Toomey - which extra-terrestrial alien is providing the numbers about how much health care and the bailout is costing "households" that appear in those annoying pop-up ads at CNN and Yahoo, among other places (I mean, those numbers can't be based on this planet)? Health care reform costs $8,900 per "household"? The bailout (passed under Dubya) $6,600? WHAAAAA???????

To help Admiral Joe, click here...

...and Elon James White has an interesting Haley Barbour story on "This Week In Blackness"...

...and happy 85th birthday to B.B. King (no video, but I always dug this song).

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