Saturday, August 28, 2010

Saturday Stuff

Yes, I know he had his massive “White People Pity Party” today, on behalf of everyone still freaked out by our Kenyan Muslim pre-zee-dint (here)…

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
I Have a Scheme
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

(and oh, those nutty teabaggers - more here; and if I were Rush Holt and Frank Pallone, I'd wear that shirt as a badge of honor)

Update 8/29/10: And why am I not surprised by this?

…and I just thought this was a neat little tune.


Anonymous said...

I watched as best I could on C Span.

I believe I heard him say in preparation for this event he wondered how he would get enough money for it. He was 600K short and while on a plane with his wife he prayed, he "looked the top of the plane and said to God...I gave my last full measure".

And just what defines his "last full measure" ?????? Is he equating himself to George Washington?????

What gall. All he had to do is write a check. God knows he has enough money to put it where his mouth is.

He tells everyone else to rely on themselves, well, he hasn't. And I wonder how much of his "event" will be tax deductible.

The man is raking $$ in and the fools that cheer him on are mindless dupes. I wonder who had the tee shirt concession.

doomsy said...

And just remember, it wasn't a "political event" (wink, wink).

It's amazing what power and prestige one can acquire by being talented enough to effectively reinforce people's prejudices.

On a side note, Turner Classic Movies ran "A Face In The Crowd" last Thursday night. Given the "Beckoning" on Saturday, I thought that was an astute programming decision.