Monday, August 23, 2010

Monday Stuff

I'm sure it is thoroughly not surprising that Iraq remains a highly volatile country - maybe more of our corporate media should pay attention to that, particularly what is noted in the final minute and a half of Rachel Maddow's interview with Richard Engle including their lack of a power-sharing government between Sunnis and Shiites after all this freaking time (though I realize the "gatekeepers" of our discourse are preoccupied with the "ground zero mosque" and whether or not Obama is a Muslim, so they obviously have other priorities)...

...and oh yeah, I forgot that they're preoccupied with this stupidity also (as much of a dim bulb as Gohmert is, it's even scarier to consider that plenty of life forms in his district actually voted for him...and as far as Russell Pearce in Arizona is concerned - the clip ends before Maddow can explain - I would give this a look)...

...and look at the wonderful result of fearing people of a different culture and ethnicity, or someone presumed to be that way (more here - boy, would I like to know how much some Repug-simpatico astroturf group spent on this)...

...and I realize that this video is a complete "180" from the controversy noted above, but I just happened to find it (probably should have put it up about a month or two ago, but oh well).

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