Monday, November 30, 2009

Monday Stuff

Hat tip to Daily Kos for this - looks like Sean Inanity was against hacking into personal Emails before he was for it...

...and Dem U.S. House Rep Maurice Hinchey of New York goes way beyond anything Alan Grayson has ever said or done with this; deep down, I have a feeling he's right, but I don't think we'll ever have any proof (another hat tip to The Daily Kos here)...

...and speaking of Afghanistan, that was the subject of K.O.'s Special Comment tonight prior to Obama's speech tomorrow (the matter-of-fact way that he basically tells us that Gen. Stanley McChrystal can't be trusted was kind of startling)...

...and as I heard K.O., I had this song running around in my head a bit (apropos partly because what would have been his 67th birthday occurred a few days ago).

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