Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wednesday Stuff

K.O. brings us the gory details of the awful Max Baucus health care bill with Howard Fineman of Newsweek (and it's possible that it might not even be voted out of Baucus' committee - it would serve him right)...

...and I'm sure this is a pretty accurate depiction of how health care would be delivered were the Baucus plan ever to become reality (God forbid)...

..."Worst Persons" (Michele Bachmann - speaking of someone whose "brain hurts," she does that to me - envisions someone from the Obama Administration counting our calories for us, when in reality what the administration is trying to do is actually ensure the safety of our food, one of the many aspects of governance so woefully ignored by Bushco; Glenn Beck screws up both the anti-McCarthy quote and the attribution, though he's on a course to end up the same way as Wisconsin's former senator...does a "rubber room" await?; and Joe "Wrong Way" Wilson claims to be an immigration lawyer, huh? YOU LIE!!)...

...and RIP, Mary Travers.

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