Wednesday, August 19, 2009

More Wednesday Stuff

K.O. talks with Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center about this Ernest Hancock character and the Viper Militia (water your "tree of liberty" with your own damn blood if you want, but leave me, my family and my friends out of it, would you please? Or am I asking something waay too constructive of you?)...

...and "Worst Persons" (Bobby "Don't Call Me Piyush" Jindal complained about a high speed rail line that supposedly ran from Disneyland to Las Vegas when rebutting Obama on the stimulus awhile back...but now, it seems like he wants a piece of some high speed rail action himself; Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade of Fix Noise take the side of a lady who compared Obama to Hitler - God, this is old! - in front of Barney Frank, who is Jewish, and Frank gave her the treatment she deserved; and Flush Limbore tops it off in an even more juvenile fashion on the same subject...uh, Flush? God called. He said you can keep your "talent").

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