Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tuesday Stuff

Back to blogging tomorrow, I hope. But meanwhile...

O joy of joys! Is the state of Texas...actually seceding from the Union here??!!

Are you actually going to return to Mexico?

No? Then shut your pie hole, Perry! Besides, where the hell was this wave of anti-federal-government bravado when your predecessor took up space at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?

Oh, and one more thing - the only president in the last 20 years who actually shrunk the federal government was Bill Clinton...

Update 4/15/09: Keep digging, Rick - we'll just keep laughing (h/t Atrios).

...and yeah, I guess there's no escaping the lunacy due to unfold tomorrow; as I and others have said, at least they won't be shooting anyone instead - at least, I hope not (thanks to The Daily Kos for these two)...

...and K.O. and Richard Wolffe give this nonsense the proper treatment (and really, after this, how dumb would a human being have to be to watch Fix Noise and think they're hearing the truth - never mind, I'd better not ask)...

...and in light of this story I think it's time for a tune by "the quiet Beatle."

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