Monday, April 13, 2009

Monday Stuff

Another questionable posting day coming up tomorrow, sports fans - I have a feeling there will be more in store...I'll keep you posted.

Also, I don't know what else to say but RIP Harry - I'm sure he and Whitey are doing play-by-play in the great beyond, as it were - they both went out the same way as it turned out...

...and gosh, whaddaya know - they actually DO convict celebrities of murder in Southern California (the composer of this song by name, as noted here - have fun in the joint, Phil)...

...the real "money quotes" from Gore Vidal come at about 4:30 or so here, by the way, in this recent episode of "Real Time"...

...and with the passing of Harry The K, I think the whole world could use a "Little Bit Of Red," preferably with pinstripes too.

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