Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Wednesday Stuff

I know I've been saying this a lot lately, but posting REALLY IS going to be sporadic for the next few days (in and out of sick bay); there are a couple of items I'll try to get to, but that's it. are a couple of videos - first up is K.O.'s interview with Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse about the so-called "Leahy Commission" which seems to be taking shape; I have to admit that I didn't see the strategy at first, but Whitehouse spells it out pretty well, and kudos also to Thomas Pickering (Rivkin is nothing but a toad)...Scott Horton says straight up what many of we filthy, unkempt liberal bloggers have been SAYING FOR YEARS ALREADY, PEOPLE!!!!...

...and more "Worst Persons" (Bill Orally is an easy target here, but seriously, this "Alexa" group needs to wake up and smell the proverbial coffee; some Fox hairdo tries to peddle the lie (with a willing Repug congressional accomplice, of course) that Harry Reid is trying to fund development of a train running from Disneyland to the "Moonlight Bunny Ranch"; that's merely stupid, but Sean Inanity - with everything Flush Limbore has been up to, it's distracted from Hannity's particularly odious antics lately - tells the son of Lanny Davis that Reid wants our troops to be killed and maimed; yep, IMHO, Hannity just went over the line - if Reid had a spine, he'd sue Hannity, Murdoch and Newscorp for about $10 million for that...that should get that pirate's attention (Murdoch, I mean) - aaarrrgghhh!).

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