Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thursday Stuff

K.O. talks to Howard Fineman of Newsweek and MSNBC about the interview Nancy Pelosi gave to "Rolling Stone" in which she appeared to show interest in the proposal of Patrick Leahy for a commission to investigate Bushco (why do I have a sneaking suspicion that this is going to play out where Rove, Miers and Bolten all skate and "Fredo" gets a "slap on the wrist" because he indeed shielded himself from prosecution by testifying before Congress? God, I'd love to be wrong)...

..."Have it your way," indeed (bastards)...

..."The Pap Attack" tells us about the "home alone" Repugs (and regarding Pap's conclusion at the end, all I can say is "burn, baby, burn")...

...and it's my sad duty to inform you that another giant has fallen in these parts, and I speak of Mr. Harrison Ridley, Jr., jazz aficionado and host of "The Historical Approach To The Positive Music" on radio station WRTI on Sunday evenings; you would think that, for all the times I listened, I would remember the name of the damn piece of music by Duke Ellington that opened the program (anyway, here's "Mood Indigo" by Ellington from 1930 as a tribute, which is apropos).

Update 2/20/09: This was a nice tribute.

Update 2/22/09: Probably the reason why I couldn't remember which Duke Ellington tune started Ridley's show is because it wasn't an Ellington tune at all; it was "Blue Horizon" by Sidney Bechet.

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