Friday, January 02, 2009

Friday Stuff

And I'm sure Fix Noise will stay classy in '09 too (watch the ticker - h/t HuffPo)...

...and Josh Marshall brings us the 2008 Golden Duke Awards (yes, I noticed the Edwards award - sigh, though he deserved it - but I got a kick out of the line about renaming the awards for Kwame Kilpatrick; also, I included a compilation of the videos a couple of days ago, and the winner is...Liddy Dole for "Godless"!)...

..and hey, free guns for the Afghans, huh? Guess we'll never learn that bombs don't pay the bills or feed starving families or rocket launchers aren't going to create jobs (not in their country, anyway)...

...Marc Broussard ("Yes We Can, Can"; I know it's been a long time coming, but this is still just a reminder of why we supported Obama to begin with and why we still do - by the way, I'm not bothered by the fact that John Edwards is included; despite his fall from grace, he remains the only prominent Democrat on the national stage who gives a damn about poverty, and don't forget that).

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