Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Wednesday Stuff

Did he really say "My fellow prisoners"? Yes, he really said it, my friends (h/t The Jed Report)...

...Worst Persons with K.O., leading off with K-Lo criticizing Olbermann and others who noted that McBush messed up Petraeus' titles TWICE, some law enforcement guy in Maryland (Thomas Hutchins - sp?) who entered the names of peaceful, nonviolent protesters into state and federal terrorist tracking databases (imagine the zany hijinks ensuring over that), and Bobby May of Virginia, a former McBush Virginia campaign operative, who will have plenty of opportunity now to attend cross burnings during his copious leisure time...

Update 10/10/08: Here's more on the Hutchins thing, by the way.

...Cold War Kids ("Something Is Not Right With Me," a little ditty I dedicate to John W. McBush)...

...and given the news that "Governor Hottie" was going to "puck off" for the Flyers in their home opener this Saturday (yep, I'm down with Atrios totally on this - I smell trouble...genius move, Ed Snider), I think the following is apropos once more.

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