Wednesday, October 08, 2008

A Brief Meta Post

I know the posting has tailed off a bit, and there are at least three reasons that come to mind.

The first (and I won't dwell on this) is because my real job has a connection to the financial services industry (won't say any more than that), so you can just imagine what a joyful time I've had over the last few weeks.

The second is that the PA-08 congressional race continues to be pretty much invisible (that is, unless I take another poke at Tom Manion, thus spurring a response from his staffers). That is also based on the fact that I often rely on my local news from, that mystery portal into Bucks County wingnuttery which occasionally craps out entirely. I'm sure this will pick up after the debates, though (two scheduled between Patrick Murphy, Manion and pretend candidate Tom Lingenfelter that I know of).

The third (and perhaps the most troubling, though partly good) is that, given our extraordinarily bad times, the pundit class has suddenly become afflicted with a case of conscientious journalism. McBush and Palin are being given no quarter, which is as it should be, though one would wonder why that was not the case in 2000 and 2004 also (ya' think, if Bush and Cheney had received the same treatment, we'd be in our current mess?). I'm thinking of MoDo and Little Tommy Friedman in particular today; the only thing Mr. "Suck.On. This." said that I disagreed with was that McBush was "presidential timber," and that's not enough for me to work with. And Richard Cohen was actually scathingly insightful recently. Hell, even Smerky had a good column about John Bogle of Vanguard on Sunday, timed to promote the latter's book (Kevin Ferris meandered on in bizarre fashion about the Constitution Center; I think it was supposed to be a parody, though it was hard to tell how that stood apart from his usual fare).

Hey! What happened to all those idiotic Repug simpatico story lines about Obama being a "Manchurian Candidate" or something? You mean I have to actually watch Fox Noise to brush up on the latest explodable talking points? Ye gods!!

So, I'll keep looking for interesting stuff and trying to unearth more infestations of our discourse. The second I do, you'll be the first to know.

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